Monday, November 14, 2011

Something Sunday --- Kart Races

You know every once in a while I just flat get amazed by some things.  You see I have been in go-karts before at Toads and at Boondocks must say I am not impressed.  They are governed and you can not go super fast, but a friend of mine told me about the Utah Kart racing circuit and invited me to the last races they had.  Unfortunately I was not able to stay for the championships something about a wedding to shoot...  But here are some of the cool shots I got that day.

Just so you know this is in the 4 year old class.

This is what I think is the teen-age group not positive how they are broken out into divisions?

Well let me tell you what!  I have a whole new concept of kart racing now.  These carts can go upwards of 85-90 miles an hour.  Well and you know me the photographer I had clearance to be on the track even: it was amazing to have these cars whipping by me some about 5' away.  Truly awesome experience and fun day.

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